7 Awesome Free Unity Assets October 2022
Welcome, my fellow cheapskates.

Fellow cheapskates, hello! Welcome to my small yet humble abode on this corner of the internet.
We all know how taxing and time-consuming it can be to develop your own assets for your game. I mean for goodness sake, even making grass is a whole ordeal. Just the GRASS. But how lucky you are to have discovered this post, where I've hand-selected some great assets that are not only very helpful, but completely free. So stay awhile and browse, take your time.
Now that we're alone, enjoy some of my favorite free assets from the Unity Asset Store.
Nature Starter Kit 2
Learn how to build gorgeous terrain with this free nature pack. This pack will get you started learning how to use the Unity terrain system and creating landscape brushes.
This pack has everything you need in order to get started building beautiful landscapes.
- 6 bushes
- 4 trees
- 3 ground textures
- 2 grass textures
- 1 skybox
It even comes with a tree generator for you to add your own flair.
Sci-Fi Styled Modular Pack
Seriously, how is this free? There are 153 prefabs included in this pack. Not only that, but all of the prefabs have the same base material which makes performance a breeze. Not only does it look good, but would easily port to mobile or Nintendo switch.
Interested in 2D? Get started working with sprites, parallax backgrounds, animations and tilesets with this asset pack.
Lighting can make or break your game's atmosphere. Test out these 10 beautiful skyboxes for you to get started building your game...cue moody and interesting lighting.

Starter Assets First Person Character Controller
Starter Assets First Person Character Controller
Made by Unity, this pack is really great for greyboxing or prototyping levels out before you flesh out all of the details. Or, if you just need a simple 3rd or 1st person player controller. Plus, it's mobile compatible!
That's all folks. Stay tuned for more updates!
If you have any questions or would like to share a thought, drop me a line at hello@rigormortistortoise.com